MetaMusic Journeys
Immersive Sound Experiences
for Inner Voyagers
MetaMusic Journeys
Immersive Sound Experiences for Inner Voyagers
Sunday December 17th at 12pm PT, via Zoom
Time Zone Converter
Music is a universal language and allows us to have meta-sensory experiences, especially when combined with guided meditations, active visualizations, body awareness, and felt emotions.
The word meta means beyond, transcendent, in between. What is music a metaphor of? What is in between the notes and way beyond the musical instruments that makes music a transformative and impactful tool? What is in music that makes us transcend reality or our feelings?
MetaMusic is the development of Laura Inserra’s work around the universal, transformative, evolutive, and healing power of music. In this context music becomes experiential, personalized medicine, and metaphor of life - a tool for personal development, spiritual guidance, and integrated healing.
MetaMusic Journeys are immersive sound experiences into enchanted soundscapes and meditations. In these settings, Laura plays acoustic instruments from around the globe and combines them with wisdom practices from various traditions.
Shifting Dissonance into Resonance
During these group sessions, we take an immersive music journey to tune to our inner resonance and to harmonize our system. In this context music awakens what is asleep in us, facilitating awe-inducing experiences, inner transformation, and integrated healing.
At the end of the music journey we take a few minutes break and after that, for those who feel like being in the group field, we make room to integrate the experience and share a few voices of wisdom.
When these sessions are via Zoom:
make sure to have a stable internet connection.
have installed the Zoom app on your smartphone or computer.
find a quiet room where you can be free to express yourself, move, or lay down.
have a good sound system or headphones (preferably wireless) to fully immerse yourself into the sound experience.
and a blanket, a glass of water, a journal with a pen, or some incense are also great ‘companions’ to have at your side.
By holding an intention and 'feeling' the outcome in your whole body you are making a silent action.
In ancient schools of wisdom it was known that humans are electromagnetic transmitters who send out thoughts and emotions and have a corresponding attraction to what we have sent out. Modern studies talk about The Law of Attraction, the ability to attract what we focus on, revealing that thoughts create electromagnetic fields and produce similar effects as actions. Basically we become a tuning fork that can tune 'energy' to a specific ‘frequency’ and have a tangible effect on 'reality'.
The essence of the Universe is vibration, quenchless energy in motion, e-motion. Music is able to orchestrate scattered vibrations in an harmonious order, creating organized energetic ‘forms’ of emotions and physical experiences. Our body is also energy in motion, e-motion, and can project intentional energy into thought-forms. When we use imagery to visualize an outcome, through our intent and awareness we are investing mental and physical energy into these thought-forms.
By feeling the outcome in our whole body as if it has already happened, we are investing augmented energy into potential ‘forms’ of manifestation. In other words, when focus our intention, our awareness, and our feelings to envision an outcome, we make a ‘silent’ action that creates a tangible impact in our inner and outer environment.

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